Does attic insulation really make a difference?

The short answer, yes, insulating the attic is an effective way to keep your home cooler during the summer months. While it's a fact that attic insulation will keep the house warm during the winter, it's not immediately obvious that insulation can also help keep the house comfortable during the summer. If you work hard and scratch your head every month wondering why your energy bills are so high, your attic may be to blame. In the US, you could save 10 to 50 percent on your energy bills just by properly insulating your attic, whether you use air conditioning or the heating.

These savings peak during extreme weather conditions and when energy costs skyrocket. You may not be able to control the cost of energy, but you can control how much you consume with better attic insulation. Your air conditioning system, the method by which your home stays cool or warm depending on the season, depends in part on insulation to do its job effectively. Without proper insulation, hot or cold air from your air conditioning system will escape your home in several ways.

In hot climates, your insulated attic will hold cool air from your air conditioner inside your home in a similar way. While some people may choose to insulate their attic themselves, for most it makes more sense, both in terms of time and cost, to hire a professional to handle this task. The goal of insulating the attic, of course, is to make you feel more comfortable and save money on monthly energy costs. Your savings level will directly correspond to your home's attic insulation project. The more comprehensive your assessment of your attic's air sealing is, what type of insulation is right for your climate and area code, what is the best method for placing new insulation, and what is the right thickness to get the results you want, the more you save.

Plus, you'll save more on energy costs if you don't rely solely on your attic to do all the heavy work of insulating your home. A well-insulated house and attic are the key to the lowest energy costs overall. According to U.S. News & World Report, sealing air leaks and heating ducts and insulating the attic are three of the top five home improvements that will save you more money on home-related expenses in the long run.

Even a complex attic insulation project will normally only take two days at most to complete. In those two days, you'll benefit from the expertise of a professional to ensure that your house and attic are safely and effectively insulated in the long term. This will increase the resale value of your home when it's time to sell it and will keep your family cool (and warm) and safe for the rest of your time there. In all these ways and more, insulating the attic is one of those win-win home improvement projects the senses.

We know how important it is to be comfortable during the summer months, but we also know that keeping your house warm in winter can be just as important. If your air conditioning equipment doesn't work as it should, this task, which is usually simple, can become a monumental challenge. We take pride in our work and strive to provide excellent service every step of the way. While attic insulation may not seem essential, leaving this space exposed to the surrounding environment has several disadvantages.

In cold climates, an uninsulated attic means that all of the hot and warm air coming from the boiler or heater rises and exits the attic. Uninsulated attics suffer from year-round condensation problems in all but the driest climates (although in these climates, an uninsulated attic can damage the heating, ventilation and air conditioning system over time). This type of insulation is also relatively simple to install if you have an attic without many hard-to-reach nooks and crannies. If you want to protect your roof and reduce your energy bills, insulate the attic as soon as possible.

If the inspection determines that your attic is poorly insulated or insufficiently insulated, buyers may ask you to add more insulation or pay them to do so before proceeding with the sale.

Bryan Vanbogelen
Bryan Vanbogelen

Amateur musicaholic. Professional pop culture lover. Total twitter trailblazer. Subtly charming food practitioner. Passionate travel nerd. Devoted internet fanatic.